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What Is Psychotherapy and Is It Effective? Having the option to attend psychotherapy from your home is essential. Still, you might wonder if online therapy sessions are as effective as in-person ones. Often, therapists will combine or draw from multiple therapeutic approaches. You can search for a therapist by what type of approach they practice or by what presenting issues they specialize in, such as grief or marriage therapy or eating disorders. Generally, you’ll have space to talk about whatever’s on your mind and to process what’s going on in your life. Your therapist might look for patterns and point them out to you, work on skills to mitigate negative feelings you’re having, or give you homework to put those skills into practice. Most psychotherapy takes place with a licensed, trained mental health professional and a patient meeting one-on-one or with other patients in a group setting. Nearly all aspects of life can be impacted and improved with psychotherapy. A therapist may